domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008


At first, television, like the rest of the media, has three objectives: to inform, educate and entertain. This is the famous Trinity of Television. But under this area exists the interests of few corporations that control the mass media.

The journalist and writer Ignacio Ramonet, currently director of the French newspaper ‘Le Monde Diplomatique’, spoke about the current objectives of the media. This is the strategic information that companies can get through the incursion of the Internet in our lives. With Internet we can discover segments of the media market increasingly small. On television it is more difficult to get this information so detailed, although the strategies are following today this new way.

According wit Ramonet, "Actually, now what a communication company are looking for is, first to watch and know what you purchase, what you consume, what you read, etc; because you will do that through Internet, and you will leave footprints, we can elaborate a robot portrait about who are you and then, I will know what offer you by my interests. That is what is important to me: know who you are. "

In the last time, the communication companies have the same objectives like the rest of the corporations: giving to the costumers (in this case, the audience) what they want.
Now, it doesn’t matter if what you want is not information. The Trinity of Television is becoming in just theory.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008


Last week we saw like the journalist role is changing, and now, we will see one of the most important reasons: the relation between the Journalism and the Power.

The role of the journalist over the history has become in a key for the democracy. He has fought against political corruption, has denounced the abuses of power, has helped to create new laws covering needs and rights ... Its role like social observer at the service of a massive public with interest in knowing stories, stay informed, has become itself in an intermediary of the reality. A truth interpreted in a look that should always be critical and independent. But the reality also shows us that its independence could be damaged in an easy way by the powers who control de mass media.

Political power, economic power. Two brothers who always go hand in hand. That is the major problem of democracy. Now the powers are not exercised by politicians but big business. And we not only have to worry about, as journalists, for the tentacles of political interests but, specially, we have to take a look at business interests. Today, companies may have more power than some countries.

The best example to explain that is, according with the Spanish journalist Arturo San Agustín, the Watergate case: "Many journalists of my time say that the Watergate case reflects how two Washington Post journalists beat to President Nixon. By this way they want to demonstrate the power of the press. But power was which use that two journalists to load a member of power who in those times didn’t interest to someone. Behind the journalist has to be a power that uses it, which is almost always economic. And he, consciously or unconsciously, gets involved in the manipulation. Journalist is the ideal vehicle for declare war”.

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008


According to the definition of the dictionary, a JOURNALIST is a person who practices JOURNALISM, the gathering and dissemination of a information about current events, trends, issues and people.
Then, we can find the Reporters, other type of journalist. They create reports as a profession for broadcast or publication in mass media such as newspapers, television, radio, magazine, Internet, etc. Reporters find sources for their work, their reports can be either spoken or written, and they are often expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve the public good.

So then, do you think that this definition fits in some aspect with the new media leaders?. The most famous journalists around the world play this role actual?
In the last articles from this blog we have met the current success on the TV, with a lot of well-known faces, which we relate with the profession of Journalism.

Mislead the spectators mixing information and entertainment was dangerous, but even more would be if the journalistic profession is wounded by death. From there, without professionals who respect their social service, the objectivity, and the good use and diffusion of the free information, is then, when the real work of many is forgotten. Only survives the controversy.

Confuse the informative quality of the Watergate’s case with the television speech that Oprah Winfrey could do is an illiteracy chosen. Ladies and gentlemen, Oprah can influences in the USA’s elections (supporting a candidate, like Obama), but the real journalist will tell us…

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2008


Infidelities, hatred, violence, alcoholism, lies and treachery, between other human weaknesses, have passed to form part of the television since the decade of 90 with the ‘talk show’. The intimacies and confessions of persons, generally from socio-economic low sectors, exhibited publicly by the television, catch the attention of million television viewers around the world. But, there is a special audience: USA and Latin America.

Why can the public exhibition of the intimate, complicated and turbulent life of some persons, generate the attention of million television viewers? What are behind the production and emission of this talk shows? What causes that some of this programs commit excesses and degrade the dignity of the persons? For what this kind of production can be attractive and interesting for many people and repugnant for others?

A lot of questions have came up in the last years on this subject, a kind programs in the point of view. In the academic world, between the critics of television, in institutions and governmental authorities, as well as in the own public television viewer, all them analyze the situation. For example, even, in more than one country of Latin America, the place with more quantity of talk shows, they have begun the lawsuits to suspend the emission of some of this programmes.

And of course here is the most popular talk show’ in USA (together with ‘Oprah’s Show’ and ‘Jay Leno’s Show’, both in the photos): THE JERRY SPRINGER’S SHOW