domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008


At first, television, like the rest of the media, has three objectives: to inform, educate and entertain. This is the famous Trinity of Television. But under this area exists the interests of few corporations that control the mass media.

The journalist and writer Ignacio Ramonet, currently director of the French newspaper ‘Le Monde Diplomatique’, spoke about the current objectives of the media. This is the strategic information that companies can get through the incursion of the Internet in our lives. With Internet we can discover segments of the media market increasingly small. On television it is more difficult to get this information so detailed, although the strategies are following today this new way.

According wit Ramonet, "Actually, now what a communication company are looking for is, first to watch and know what you purchase, what you consume, what you read, etc; because you will do that through Internet, and you will leave footprints, we can elaborate a robot portrait about who are you and then, I will know what offer you by my interests. That is what is important to me: know who you are. "

In the last time, the communication companies have the same objectives like the rest of the corporations: giving to the costumers (in this case, the audience) what they want.
Now, it doesn’t matter if what you want is not information. The Trinity of Television is becoming in just theory.

1 comentario:

Insomne dijo...

good luck with your news.. untopical woman